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(15/207) 1541404 - Highlight shown "hidden" files in FSB

Shown "hidden" files in FSB should be visibly marked
as hidden, e. g. with a background color, the folder-
/filename written in italics or an entry in the
Status-column, while I would prefer a background
color or the italics, because I always see the folder-
/filename, but not always the Status-column. Or maybe
it should be indicated in both places. Currently you
cannot distinguish a shown "hidden" file from a not-
hidden file easily in the FSB.

Sorry if this is a dupe, but I have many bugs to post
and am too lazy to check them all for dupes
currently. :-)

OS: Windows XP
Java Version: Sun Java 1.5.0_06-b05
jEdit Version: SVN Revision 6684

Submitted vampire0 - 2006-08-16 - 16:08:40z Assigned nobody
Priority 5 Category None
Status Open Group None
Resolution None Visibility No


2007-09-30 - 19:42:10z
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO

Hi, they are marked in gray, isn't it good enough ?
2007-09-30 - 21:07:00z
Logged In: YES
Originator: YES

They are not.
They are marked in gray if they match the glob


meaning if they are named CVS, start with a dot or a sharp sign or end with a tilde. This glob is specified in the FSB Color settings and matches only a very small subset of all hidden files.
What I suggest is to remove this glob and instead show files that are hidden with some changed decent background color. This way they can still are matched by a glob and colored accordingly, but you can distinguish hidden from non-hidden files.
2011-12-03 - 06:12:42z
So in addition to a color difference, you're saying jEdit should use to determine if it is hidden.
2011-12-03 - 16:06:59z
jEdit currently is NOT determining whether a file is hidden at all.
It just uses a glob that matches some files that are sometimes hidden or backups and thus not so interesting to show those files in a light gray color.
It does not "highlight" hidden files at all except if they accidentally match that glob.
In Linux files are hidden by having its name starting with a dot. But on Windows the dot at the beginning of the name is meaningless and only the filesystem property "hidden" is significant.

Because of that I suggested to make the hidden files distinguishable optically in the file-/foldername column and/or in the status column. And yes, I guess File.isHidden() is the method to use for this check.
